Adolf Cluss Cube Heilbronn, 2005
The flying Cluss Cube, Heilbronn, June 2006
The former Cluss Cube as (k)no(w) cube, 2006
The (k)no(w) cube in front of Heilbronn University, 2006
The Adolf Cluss Cube
The part of the exhibition about the life and work of Adolf Cluss in the USA was presented in the "Adolf Cluss Cube," constructed especially for the exhibition. With its form and color suggesting a giant red brick, the temporary building symbolized the architect's preferred building material. More accurately described as a cuboid, the exhibition room stood in front of the Technical City Hall. Its construction was made possible thanks to the Dieter Schwarz Foundation and other generous sponsors.
After the exhibition had been closed, the Heilbronn University bought the building and had it transferred onto its grounds in a spectacular logistical campaign. There, it serves as a location for different events - as a new venue and with a new name: it's now called (k)no(w) cube, a name that recalls its origins from the Adolf Cluss Project...